Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Gerald and Vicki's update....

It's Tuesday evening, and there has not been much change in either Gerald or Vicki. They are both critical, yet stable. Their dr.'s are trying to wein them off of their ventilators, slowly. Gerald was breathing 60% on his own this afternoon. I do not have an accurate count on Vicki.
They are both under heavy sedation at this point, and will remain so for the next few days. I will be heading back over to Tulsa tomorrow and will continue to keep everyone updated as progress is made. Please keep Gerald and Vicki in your prayers.



Unknown said...

Sam and I are agreeing in prayer daily for your safe and speedy recovery. May God bless and comfort you and your families during this time.

Matthew 18:19

Sam and Kim Richardson

Randy V. Parsons said...

We are praying for Gerald and Vicki. May God's grace sustain them and may He restore their health. Randy V. Parsons, Arkansas Baptist Children's Homes

Mark Thomas said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Gerald and Vicki and their family. Their impact has been great on many, including me. We will be in prayer for their speedy recovery and we know that all things are possible to them that believe.

David and Michelle Thomasson said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with Gerald and Vicki and their family.Keep the faith and know that with God all things are possible.

Cheyrl Lyall said...

Timi Thank you for keeping us posted on Gerald's progress. We are praying for he and Vicki as well as your family. Cheyrl Lyall

brad mcintyre said...

i want to send my prayers to the family and to gerald and vicki i never got the chance to meet her but i have gerald and i know they are wonderful folks so may god be with the family as they go through this the christmas4kidz org we all are praying for the family